Below are technologies and techniques SCG has the capability to use on a given site visit.
English XL Tribometer (Slip Meter/ Coefficient of Friction Testing)
The English XL Variable Incidence Tribometer (VIT) is the slipmeter designed by a safety engineer to be the ultimate tool to help you evaluate walking surfaces. The English XL VIT instrument mimics significant biomechanical parameters of the human walking gait. SCG Personnel have been certified with the English XL equipment for many years. Our experience with the English XL allows us to confidently evaluate slip resistance on a multitude of surfaces.
BOT-3000E Digital Tribometer (Slip Resistance Tester)
The BOT-3000E (Binary Output Tribometer) can can assess the slip resistance of flooring. It measures both static and dynamic coefficient of friction in both wet and dry conditions. It also provides a printed record of test parameters and results. SCG Personnel have been certified with the Bot 3000.
Minolta T10 Light Meter
SCG has used Minolta light meter equipment for two decades. Our equipment is kept in calibration as required by the manufacturer and allows us to provide precise light level measurements to meet the needs of our clients.
PosiTest Pull-Off Adhesion Tester
The PosiTest equipment gives us the capability to test the adhesion of many different coatings to a substrate. Often, this teseting is applied to MMA coatings over concrete. This is useful whenever there is a question regarding the application of coatings.
DT-805 Decibel Meter
When sound measurements are required, we are prepared with multiple insruments to accurately quantify sound levels.
Features of the sound meter:
-Provide 1.5dB accuracy
-Meets IEC651 type 2 Standards
-High Performance
-Max Hold and Data hold Function
Leica NA730 Automatic Survey Level
Builder's level that measures distances, defines height differences or reads heights. Equipped with a 30x telescopic magnification for improved accuracy for all general construction work.
Topcon RL-VH4DR Rotating Laser
The Topcon multi-purpose rotating laser provides fast, superior leveling and visibility. This device is perfect for site work, foundation, exterior, and interiors. It has fast leveling capabilities (under 5 seconds) and provides vertical and horizontal operation.